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Christian, 16, Boy, Young, Student


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%. December 2008
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Tuesday, June 2, 2009
7:00 AM

Second day of holidays. Haven't started on work yet. Well, the holidays is filling up quicker than i thought. Every day seems to be filled with something. Haiz, it isnt really holidays, just a change in timetable i guess. The only good thing is you can sleep later. 

And my butts still hurt after Sat's hockey open

Tuesday, May 26, 2009
10:00 AM

Today Tuesday, 3 hours of GP in the afternoon followed by piano lesson, shouldnt be quite an eventful day. Think its about time i start working for common test. Had 1 week plus of rest already. Ya...so should get back into study mode. Sounds damn mugger right? What to do? I'm in a mugger JC

Monday, May 25, 2009
9:00 AM

Lol, its week 10, 23 days to church camp. How time flies, still feels like i just finished O levels, yet A levels is about a year away. Badminton yesterday was haha, was trashed by the adults man. Seriously, morale drop after yesterday's demolition job but anyway, rewarded myself with good food.
Sometimes i wonder why people do certain things? Or rather why I do certain things? Knowing that a result that we seemingly want to avoid would be inevitable by doing the thing we do. Its because we actually want it to happen? Or we hope that through this 'carelessness' we are able to make some mistakes which we actually want but can't directly do it. How ironic but true, but ya just a thought.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009
10:00 AM

Today was fun, slack. 3 and a half hours of lessons in total. Its considered little lessons. And I don't know why, things have been going pretty smooth this week. Thanks God, it must be His blessing.

Anyway, went to Pizza Hut...sat with the girls. Simple reason, more food. And won't get irritated by JianZhong. Anyway, my classmates are amusing, especially Jessica(forgot the nickname they gave her, think its Kermit or something). But lols, it was pretty enjoyable and lets you forget for once that NJC is boring. Hope class life gets more fun and all. But ya.

Wednesday...will be a busy day. Cello in the morning, short lessons...then band practice at night. Haha, holidays are like getting closer and closer. Thats good to know.

And oh ya...Jan's coming back to church soon. Can't really believe it..but guess I will have too. Anyway its really a good thing. I really miss her. Haiz, but hope her return will be permanent and that she can participate more as well. Ya.

Monday, May 18, 2009
8:43 AM

Today is a day of testing. Physics and Chemistry, 10% of the whole year. 1 hour to prep for each subject, not really sufficient.

Yesterday was a cool day, busy but cool. Started out with a heart stopping worship for me. Why heart stopping? Because the musically inclined Pastor is very demanding (He's very nice though). And i was stressed throughout the whole thing, not really that healthy, haha.

Then it was hang out with friends time after choir. Haha, they were hilarious(and stupid) as usual. Some just can't or don't want to play normal, orthodox bridge. Like to deal lousy cards to opponents( Lee Yang), argue all the way(Weiwen and TeckHwee) which about leaves one normal player like me. And basketball is still fun, even with broken rims, pulled foot tendon and half naked, half sane players. And Rongyang just looks disgusting half naked. Leeyang tried to show me his guitar skills, I won't say fluant, cause he's not that good. But he's doing fine i think.

The day before was....even more heart-stopping. Tuition without the teacher again, so i literally died trying to teach all my students. Sorry to all, I really can't help all of you at one time. Haha, if  only i could be at 2 places at once... Then was meeting Gloria and Pessie, it was like really....how should I say.....interesting. They didn't change at all, at least to me. Its like transporting back in time really, like Liquids suddenly became a time capsule back to few years ago. It was really cool, but it sort of gave me a reality check, this isn't my fellowship anymore, this 2 people may never come back again. And I'm living in NOW, as in 2009. They will still be great friends, but it will never be the same again.

As for more thoughts about today....I realised being special is lonely too, although i can go school late, I have no one, really no one to talk to. So its kind of pointless. We should all get swine flu or bird flu or something.

Thats for now.

Sunday, December 7, 2008
9:40 AM

Hey all..this is for my friend Rongyang.

This came from a song...from a show you probrably don't really like..but its got what I want to say to you...

I've been thinking about the things tt we've been thru and I dun know if I will be who i am, if not for you...
I had to take a little time to try and work things out and you should have known that I had never meant to let you down...
Coz I, wanna tell you that I'm sorry,because

Even when I'm not giving enough and I'm taking too much, you're still
there for me

Even when I got nothing at all and I'm ready to fall, you're still
there for me

Even when I can't be there for you, you're always there for

Sometimes I know that I can be so hard to understand, but its ok
Even when I'm lost you show me who I really am
Life with me hasn't always been an easy ride
But because of you I've learnt to lose my selfish pride

Surprisingly, all the lyrics fit...but i realised its sort of a love song. But oh well...this is for you man..